What is the Best Patient Care, Clinical Research and You staff guide?
‘Best Patient Care, Clinical Research and You’ is an online guide to help busy non research staff become more aware of their impact on research in their Trust. In effect it raises general awareness which should help research delivery in particular, but it also helps the Trust fulfil requirements of the research elements in the CQC Well Led Framework and the NHS Long Term Plan.
Implementing the Guide in your Trust
Interested in taking this forward in your local organisation?
The following section contains guidance on how to set up the guide in your local trust. Before you start, we would encourage you to read through the key learnings from the pilot phase. This page includes suggestions for what you might need to consider before initiating this project and some practical tips which should be helpful.
A mock up of the guide can be found at ‘Best Patient Care, Clinical Research and You (Mock Up)’. The mock up site is a model of how you can structure the guide and contains core messaging that can be transferred directly to your local site.To ensure that the reader fully engages with the content, it is important to localise aspects of the guide so relevant guidance can be found quickly and easily.
This webpage contains page by page content upload guidance that can be downloaded in MS document format from the links below. We have specified which areas we recommend localising and which aspects need to be preserved as core content.
Choose the individual webpage guides below or click on the button for a packaged folder containing all guides
Briefing for the guide:
Before you begin implementing your local guide, ensure you and your team are aware of the key principles outlined below:
- The guide outline has been produced in collaboration between the NHS R&D Forum, UKRD, NIHR CRN, and NHS England and NHS Improvement. This needs to be acknowledged somewhere in your local version, but most importantly the guide needs to be seen as fully adopted within your Trust corporate badging and protocols.
- Core messages for each staff group need to be clear to help them understand how their role can impact on research in their Trust.
- It needs to be accessible, quick to use, easy to navigate, and relevant to staff in your Trust
- For staff to engage with it it needs to be incorporated into your mainstream staff information/development/communications material, typically the Trust staff intranet. Using local pictures and visual material is encouraged. This will help to ‘normalise’ research for all.
- It aims to create a pathway to further information which is Trust based, local, as well as offering national options.
- Local information can be built onto the required core content and navigation adjusted to suit Trust platforms whilst being made as easy as possible to use.
You can find these key principles and more detailed guidance in the Standard Operating Procedure or the Top Tips documents which can be downloaded below:
Interested R&D Teams can discuss details with us by contacting the email below:
For support from the NIHR about the Best Patient Care, Clinical Research and You resource contact: healthandcareengagement@nihr.ac.uk
Organisations supporting 'Best Patient Care, Clinical Research and You':
Many thanks to all the contributors involved.
– Roger Steel (NIHR CRN CC)
– Ashley Solieri (NHS R&D FORUM, Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust)
– Matthew Peak (UKRD, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust)
– Christine McGrath (UKRD, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust)
– Katherine Jeays-Ward (NHSE/I)
– Naomi Kellett (NHSE/I)
– Lucy Gallagher (NIHR CRN CC)